[cvsnt] How to move repositories?

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-cvsnt at yahoo.com.ar
Sat Aug 19 11:06:54 BST 2006

At Saturday 19/8/2006 02:07, siegfried wrote:

>I performed backup Thursday morning and created a new cvsnt repository
>Thursday afternoon and committed a lot of work into it late Thursday night.
>On Friday morning, Norton tech support, for a mere $30, messed up my disk
>and now I cannot boot from it. I can retrieve the files from it, however.
>Good thing I have bootable backup!
>Now how can I move the repository from the new disk to the backup disk?
>(After finding all the files that changed on Friday, I'll copy them to the
>backup disk so the backup disk will be up to date and then copy the backup
>disk to clobber the current disk contents and thus restore my boot
>capability and backup).

Hmmm... I'm not sure what you want to do. Why not just make your 
original disk bootable again?
Anyway, if you can read the repository files, just copy them to 
another safe place, repair/restore your disk from backup, and 
overwrite the repository files with your saved copy.
"Copying the repository" means just copying its directory and all 
subdirectories, nothing special.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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