[cvsnt] Need some support on ACL in CVSNT 2.5.03

raghu hs aquarag at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 23 14:49:56 BST 2006

1.I have setup my repository on windows 2K machine.
2.Using the pserver protocol.
3.I have created two NT users CVSadmin(bleongs to
admin group) and CVSUser(belongs to user group).
4. The repository security is set to "Everyone" all
5. Created a CVS user and aliased it to the real
6. Using the CVS chacl command set the access
permission to various directories.
7. When i do a cvs lsacl it shows the access as it was
set. But every user is able to act like an admin in
the repository. Everyone is able to add delete modify

   Please let me know where i have gone wrong.


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