[cvsnt] cvs rename bugs

Mark Levedahl noone at nospam.net
Thu Aug 24 03:13:34 BST 2006

Using 2.5.03, Build 2382, I've found two bugs in cvs rename that 
required manual hacking of the repository for recovery:

Problem 1: given subdirs a, b, and file a/foo

cvs rename a/foo b/foo   is accepted with no complaint, but results in 
the rename happening in dir a but not in dir b. The file essentially 
disappears. Recovery requires reverting the last revision in 
.directory_history,v for directory a, which requires hacking the repository.

Note that:
cd a; cvs rename foo ../b/foo  works as advertised. E.g., a file can be 
moved from one directory to another, but only when executed from the 
current directory of the file.

Problem 2: as above, but renames have happened on a branch in directory 
b but not on HEAD. Therefore, .directory_history has status DEAD in b.

cvs rename foo ../b/foo; cd ../b; cvs commit
results in an error in attempting to update .directory_history, 
apparently because it does not actually exist on HEAD.

The fix I found is to cause .directory_history to exist but be empty on 
in the repository for dir b:
	mv .directory_history,v dfoo,v

in the sandbox directory b:
	touch dfoo
	cvs add dfoo
	cvs commit dfoo

Then back in the repository:
	mv dfoo,v .directory_history,v

Also, there is an annoyance: the documentation indicates  after a move, 
cvs commit should be run from the parent directory. I find cvs commit 
must be run from within each directory where a rename action has 
occurred to actually do anything. When run from a parent directory, cvs 
commit does nothing.


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