[cvsnt] Repository corruption
David Somers
dsomers at omz13.com
Mon Aug 28 18:44:44 BST 2006
Sebastian Wangnick wrote:
> Dear CVSNT folks,
> for some small-scale Python and Webpage development environment for the
> company of my wife I'm using TortoiseCVS (1.8.11, CVSNT 2.0.58d) on a
> Windows XP system with a local CVSROOT.
Using local is not recommended (cvsnt is a *client/server* system and not
intended to be used locally.)
Those are very old versions of both TortoiseCVS and CVSNT.
> Just now I recognised that for quite a number of files (10 out of 500) the
> repository seems to be corrupted. When comparing the files against their
> initial version I'm getting: In C:\Temp\TCVca23.tmp:
> "C:\Programme\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "-q" "checkout" "-r" "1.1" "-d" "temp"
> "Foo/word.py" CVSROOT=:local:C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All
> Users\Dokumente\Cvsroot cvs checkout: Dropping data: pos>vec->text.nlines
> cvs [checkout aborted]: invalid change text in C:\Dokumente und
> Einstellungen\All Users\Dokumente\Cvsroot/Foo/word.py,v Fehler,
> CVS-Vorgang fehlgeschlagen
> I have been using older versions of TortoiseCVS in the past. However, one
> of the corrupt files was checked in 2005.06.29, and at that time I had
> installed 1.8.11/2.0.58d already.
> This issue occurs with Word documents, GIF files and in one case also with
> a Python source file (which *could* have been modified from ASCII to UTF-8
> format at a certain stage).
Did you make the mistake of committing a binary file as text?
> Is this a known issue? Is it corrected in later versions?
Very probably.
> Obviously this issue puts into question the reliability of CVSNT on
> Windows.
Or it just highlights that you've been using cvsnt without checking that you
can successfully store and retrieve your data.
> Please CC to my email address, as this is not one of the newsgroups I'm
> regularly reading.
David Somers
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