[cvsnt] Repository corruption

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-cvsnt at yahoo.com.ar
Thu Aug 31 16:54:23 BST 2006

At Thursday 31/8/2006 06:37, Sebastian Wangnick wrote:

>         In C:\Temp\TCV03fb.tmp: "C:\Programme\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" 
> "-q" "checkout"
>"-r" "1.1" "-d" "temp" "Bazi Suanming/word.py"
>         CVSROOT=:local:C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All 
> Users\Dokumente\Cvsroot
>         cvs checkout: Dropping data: pos>vec->text.nlines
>         cvs [checkout aborted]: invalid change text in C:\Dokumente und
>Einstellungen\All Users\Dokumente\Cvsroot/Bazi Suanming/word.py,v

There is a corrupted RCS file in the repository; unfortunately, CVSNT 
will not be able to read this. If you need to retrieve 1.1, I'm 
afraid you'll need to recover from a backup.
Migrating from your old CVSNT version to a newer one certainly is a 
very good idea and may help from now on, but not to recover from this.
I can't determine if this corruption came from CVSNT itself or 
anybody tampering with the RCS file.

>PS: Is 512 bytes some magic number on the NTFS file system?

It's the size of a disk sector. And it's a common value for 
memory-allocation schemes (like other powers of 2), so I was thinking 
of internal buffer sizes in the RCS handling code. This is pure speculation.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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