[cvsnt] Cvslockd won't run on

Cryer, Phil C. (STL) - cont PCCryer at express-scripts.com
Tue Dec 12 21:47:39 GMT 2006

-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org] On Behalf
Of David Somers

Cryer, Phil C. (STL) - cont wrote:
> cvs at esi1p83d:/usr/local/bin>./cvslockd -d Could not open 
> /etc/cvsnt/PServer

I guess you are using linux.

No, Solaris 5.8

What version of cvsnt are you using?

cvs at esi1p83d:/export/home/cvs/pcryer>cvsnt -version

Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382

Copyright (c) 1989-2001 Brian Berliner, david d `zoo' zuhn,
                        Jeff Polk, and other authors
CVSNT version (Jul  5 2006) Copyright (c) 1999-2005 Tony Hoyle and
see http://www.cvsnt.org

> Initialising socket...
> Starting lock server on port 2402/tcp...
> Socket bind failed: errno 126 on socket 3 (AF 26) - closing socket 
> Socket bind failed: errno 125 on socket 4 (AF 2) - closing socket 
> Couldn't bind listening socket... Address already in use 
> cvs at esi1p83d:/usr/local/bin>
> So I restarted at cvslockd -p 2403 -- is there any issue with not 
> running it on the default?

Use netstat to see who has bound to the port (i.e. netstat -ap | grep
2402)... I've had the occasional instance of cvslockd crashing/locking
and keeping the port bound... is that's the case, pkill is your friend.

Yep, I did that as soon as this came up, it shows a few things

>netstat -a | grep 2402
      *.2402               *.*                0      0 24576      0
      *.2402               *.*                0      0 24576      0
      *.2402                            *.*
0      0 24576      0 LISTEN

The problem is, this is a shared Development box (yes, I proposed using
a new/standalone box for a CVS box, but that didn't fly).  This is a big
company I'm working for, and they just do not bend on many things, thus,
the box is used by a ton of people, and it's a mess.  For now I want to
see what I need to do to tell CVSNT to look for cvslockd running on
2403.  The other thing is they're going to do a reboot tonight (to test
someone elses' change) so perhaps whatever is running on that port won't
be there tomorrow and we can switch back, but as the startup scripts are
now set, it will come up on 2403 overnight.

Yes. (But its probably better to find why 2402 is in use, rather than
working around the problem.)

I agree David, but again, big company and my last day is in a few weeks,
so I'll be happy to be out of all of this 'red tape'.  Hopefully I can
do everything the right way at my next position (or at least closer).  

Thanks for the help.

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