[cvsnt] Merging from branch does the wrong thing

John Hall john-news3 at cambridgetechgroup.com
Fri Feb 3 12:27:30 GMT 2006


I merge quite frequently between branches, but today when merging from a 
branch, I discovered a strange problem. The file in question has had no 
commits on the branch since the branch was made at revision 1.77, but the 
HEAD revision is now 1.84. When I try to merge from the branch to the trunk, 
I get this:

> cvs up -A
> cvs up -j branch

retrieving revision 1.84
retrieving revision 1.77
Merging differences between 1.84 and 1.77 into Globals.bas

Investigating further, I've discovered that the files in question have all 
had a commit reverted, e.g. in this case revision 1.85 was accidentally 
committed, so the command:

> cvs up -j 1.85 -j 1.84 Globals.bas

was used to revert it. Revision 1.86 therefore has 1.84 as a mergepoint. It 
seems to be this between the branch creation and branch merging that causes 
the mis-merge from the branch.

My CVS versions are:
Client: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.01 (Travis) Build 1976 
Server: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2151 

although I've also tried it with a 2.5.03 Build 2151 client and seen the 
same behaviour.


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