[cvsnt] Feature proposal - Distributed Servers

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Wed Feb 8 23:35:46 GMT 2006


>I found the roadmap location a bit unusual. I 
>think that the wiki would be a better place for 
>the roadmap 

If you are primarily a *user* of CVSNT then you should look at
march-hare.com, if you are primarily a *contributor* then you should
look at cvsnt.org/wiki.

If you are volunteering to write a wiki page for CVSNT planned features,
then register on the wiki, then e-mail the list asking for write access,
then write the page.  Contributors are welcome.

The march-hare.com site only lists the features that March Hare Software
are intending to contribute, other people are welcome to contribute
other features and we will put it into the earliest available/suitable
release.  The Wiki is for such motivated people to maintain.

>My point is: the community page should 
>state the roadmap. Much like subversion's 
>roadmap, for instance.

The one that doesn't list any projected dates?  The one that still lists
rename as a feature they plan to deliver in the next version - what
they've said about every version from day 1?  We could list a bunch of
features that we "intend" to deliver and put no projected date on them
and not allocate any resources to work on them - top of the list is the
CVSNT checkin teapot interface that automatically begins brewing tea
when a new bug is reported... 

>It'd be easier to get more people involved and 
>discussing the future of the product. One (good) 
>collateral effect of that involvement and 
>participation is more fidelity.

The *free* in *free software* is the freedom to contribute.  The
existing contributors give up time from their families and friends to
develop this software and the last thing they need is someone telling
them all the "good ideas" they have but aren't willing to make any
sacrifice for.

>Also, knowing what is being planned and what is 
>going on, could avoid some of the current users 
>to migrate to concurrent products, just 
>because feature X or Y is promised for a future 
>release of that product 
>(or even it it's already implemented).

Yes - that's why we have the FAQ with that information in it.  I do take
your point that this information should be easier to find and I posted
another note yesterday to say this is something we are going to address
in a future web site upgrade (probably in March).  


Arthur Barrett

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