[cvsnt] import - my repository is messed up

douglass_davis at earthlink.net douglass_davis at earthlink.net
Wed Feb 8 23:03:42 GMT 2006

so, i am working on two projects, but they are made by the same company.  I had been working on the first one for a while, but when I imported the 2nd one, i used the same vendor tag.  I guess that is a bad thing because looking at a graph of the versions of some of the files, they have some versions of files from the first project, and some tags from the 1st project.

so 1st, is there really something wrong with using the same vendor tag or did i do something else wrong?

2nd, if that is what went wrong, is there a quick way to fix this?  Or is it going to be painstakingly difficult?



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