[cvsnt] Restriction top-level module creation

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Thu Feb 16 01:30:03 GMT 2006


>Hello! what's wrong with telling CVSNT users about other 
>options in a very specific context.

Because that context was incorrect - when I respond to questions on the
CVS list I know the product that I am comparing too, and if I am ever in
doubt I certainly make that clear.

>You can see posts from Arthur on CVS and other groups 
>mentioning CVSNT when appropriate.

CVSNT is licensed under the same terms (GPL) as CVS, hence why it is
appropriate.  Advertising PVCS, ClearCase or any other non-GPL
(compatible) solution in response to a question about GPL software is
not generally considered helpful.

Finally the CVSNT list is not owned or controlled by March Hare Software
- our posts here, just like any other newsgroup are at the editorial
control of the moderators.


Arthur barrett

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