[cvsnt] how to create a module(project) with " AclMode=normal" ?

embedos embedos at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 11:58:28 GMT 2006

Dear all,
     I have one question to use cvs's acl.
     I set "AclMode=normal" in config file to cvs's acl. Then I would
like to "import" a
moudle, but it shows error messages like:

 cvs -d :pserver;username=penny;password=XXXXXXX;hostname=localhost:/server
 import -I ! -I CVS -m "no message" -n -- module (in directory
 cvs [server aborted]: User penny cannot create files in module

     What should I do to create a module(project) with " AclMode=normal" ?

     Thanks in advance!

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