[cvsnt] Unexpected sticky options when checking out fromcvs.cvsnt.org with 2.0.58d client

Oliver Koltermann okoltermann_deletethis_ at gmx.de
Fri Feb 24 12:11:57 GMT 2006


"Flávio Etrusco" <flavio.etrusco at gmail.com> writes:

> I guess his talking about the :1.1 after the tag name.  I've never
> noticed this too, and don't know what it is, but my bet would be that
> it's related to rename since it would need directory versioning. Wild
> guess =P

Yes, Flávio, you are right. The :1.1 is the thing I've never seen
before. Your guess sounds somewhat reasonable, but I suspect a lot of
dependencies to other tools and workflows if the CVS/Tag file is
(mis-?)used that way.

I hope someone can give us more background on this phenomenon...

Best regards,
O. Koltermann

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