[cvsnt] Connection reset (server not responsive)...

Matthew cvsnt_001 at webfuture.com
Sat Feb 25 22:03:00 GMT 2006


I seem to be having trouble connecting to my CVSNT server (running on 
the same machine). I originally had this trouble with version 
cvsnt- and am still having it with cvsnt-

When I run the latter installation on another machine I am able to 
telnet to 2401 and upon typing something in, get the standard 

    cvs [server aborted]: bad auth protocol start: dsdsd

...however when I try and telnet to port 2401 on the local machine, as 
soon as I type something the session ends without any response.

When I try writing a Java client to open a socket to 2401 (again all 
running on the local machine), I get the following...

    java.net.SocketException: Connection reset

...again no response is provided by the server.

When running the server in debug mode (using cvsservice -test), I get 
the following output on the server side...

    CVSNT initialised successfully
    046b7f64: Cvsnt process started
    046b7fb2: Cvsnt process terminated

To make sure port 2401 was available to connections (i.e. no firewall 
problems), I wrote a Java server listening on 2401 and tried to connect 
to it. This worked fine.
I am not trying to access a CVS repository on a networked drive 
(although it is shared).

If someone any ideas as to the following, I would love to hear from them...

1. Any insight as to what is going on (or if not help with one of the 
questions below)...
2. Where CVSNT stores its configuration settings (I have looked in the 
registry, the CVSNT install directory and the CVS repository directories 
and can find nothing).
3. Can the cvsservice be run to provide more logging into than simply 
'process started' and 'process terminated' messages. Where can one set 
the logging level.



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