[cvsnt] Re: How to get the diffs between branchpoint and tip of branch

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Tue Feb 28 13:59:19 GMT 2006

Oliver Giesen wrote:

> Furthermore, we'd need some kind of enhancement to the -r argument
> syntax (for update/checkout, (r)log, (r)diff, (r)annotate, etc.) to
> express this for a specific branch independent of the currrent sandbox
> contents.

Actually, seeing that according to cvs -H log a trailing period
character is already interpreted to mean "last revision on the branch",
how about using a *leading* period to refer to the first revision on
the branch, i.e. the branchpoint (is that interpretation debateable,

A slash character also comes to mind (often associated with "root") but
I guess that could too easily be mistaken for a path separator...


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