[cvsnt] Re: Updating from 2.0.58d to 2.5.03 Build 2182

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Tue Jan 3 11:15:52 GMT 2006

On Tue, 03 Jan 2006 12:03:55 +0100, Bo Berglund
<bo.berglund at telia.com> wrote:

>On Tue, 3 Jan 2006 09:31:43 +0100, "Issberner, Sven RD-IS-P22"
><Sven.Issberner at heidelberg.com> wrote:
>3. New CVSROOT files
>This is where my post comes in. I actually do not know how to get the
>new script files into place in an upgraded repository. You could of
>course create and initialize a completely new repository just to get
>the new files. Then copy the <file> and <file>,v files from the new
>CVSROOT to the old one taking care *not* to overwrite any existing
>file. But I am not sure this is the correct way of doing it, really. I
>don't even know if this will make CVSNT handle the newly copied files
>as standard admin files (with the rebuild at commit).

Just went ahead and did this (copied all of the new CVSROOT files
including their ,v files to the old CVSROOT from a newly initialized
repository CVSROOT).
Turns out that the files are now available for checkout and they will
be rebuilt upon commit of a change in CVSROOT too.

So, provided one knows which files are involved this is one solution
to get the new files into operation.

However, if there are new options *inside* some of the old files, like
in conf then of course it is not possible to add these prototypes into
the existing files by copy on top...
Instead you have to check out the new CVSROOT and then merge the file
in question into the active conf file (manually) and then commit it
back in the old repository.

Until Tony comes up with a command that can fix this in one go of

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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