[cvsnt] Installation on Linux and Unix

Jorge Krug mercutiu at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 10:09:39 GMT 2006

I have been following these instructions:


But I don't get to connect the server. I received this message:

I have the cvsnt server in my machine and me didn't change the local

I am trying to migrate the local repository  to the remote server.


In C:\Temp\temp: "C:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "--lf" "checkout"
"-P" "-f" "dumpa"
CVSROOT=:pserver:root at

cvs.exe [checkout aborted]: cvsnt server: connect to failed: Connection refused

Error, CVS operation failed


These are my configuration files:

service cvspserver
    disable        = no
    socket_type    = stream
    wait           = no
    user           = root
    group          = root
    log_type       = FILE /var/log/cvspserver
    env            = 'HOME=/usr/local/CVSREPO'
    server         = /usr/local/bin/cvsnt
    server_args    = authserver

Frankly, I didn't understand that permissions session. I am inexperienced in



To be completed


      PAM might need to be configured to allow users to access CVS on your
system. If your /etc/pam.d/other configuration is set to deny access, create
a file (/etc/pam.d/cvsnt) in that directory that will grant appropriate
users authority.

      UNIX permissions are needed to allow the users to gain access to the
CVS repository.

To be added: Detail out CVS group / user and impersonation information 


Can anybody help me?


Jorge Krug

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