Antwort: [cvsnt] Notifications of Commits on a specific branch

Heiko Klotz heiko.klotz at
Tue Jan 17 10:59:20 GMT 2006

> Is it possible to send out Notifications on a specific branch using
> LOGINFO file in CVS NT.
> I have inserted the following line in LOGINFO file "DEFAULT perl
> E:/cvsrepos/DevRoot/CVSROOT/ %{sVv} $USER"
> But this sends out notifications for all the files irrespective of the
> branch.

Hi Kumar, 
that´s the way, I solved this problem:

I created a file called "branchwatches" and added it to the 
Each line of this file is a triple of the form path,branchname,mailadress
I made it "self-outchecking" like the most CVSROOT-files.

Then I put a line into loginfo to invoke a script I called 
It is placed in the CVSROOT-module and also "self-outchecking" (noted in 
This script parses the "branchwatches"-file and checks file by file, if 
the commit is 
into a path and on a branch, that is written in the "branchwatches"-file.

This works fine and as a side-effect, this allows directory-watching
(CVS only serves file-watching).

Greetings  Heiko

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