[cvsnt] Re: CVSNT + Web Application Implementation

Glen Starrett glen at starretthome.net
Tue Jan 24 22:48:26 GMT 2006

Sanjay.Uttam at VerizonWireless.com wrote:
> How do I go about this?

Switch to Apache and dump the security nightmarish IIS :b

OK, in more practical terms, you have options:

1) Put your sandboxes on the network anyway.  Understand there may be 
some unsupported issues (e.g. date stamps, possibly corrupted files if 
your network hiccups, bad response time if your server is AV scanning 
the files from your clients, etc.)  There's an option in TCVS that 
enables network sandboxes.

NOTE:  Do NOT confuse a networked sandbox with a repository accessed via 
a network drive link.  Sandbox is acceptable if you OK with minor 
consequences and have a fast network.  Repository shared out as files is 
a VERY bad thing.

2) Commit every minor change and set up a mirror sandbox on the server 
that auto-refreshes on commit.  There's a plugin to do just this in the 
latest stable CVSNT server, and there are a number of scripts to do it 
as well.  The change - commit - run & debug cycle can get tedious 
quickly though if you are in that mode.

3) Use Terminal Server to run TCVS from a terminal window on the server, 
while doing your coding from your (assumed faster responding) local machine.

4) (seriously) switch web server to something that is allowed by your IT 
department on the local machines AND on the server.  Apache is great, 
but somehow I suspect you're doing an IIS-only solution.


Glen Starrett

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