[cvsnt] KeywordExpand feature like CVS 1.12.x

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Thu Jan 26 08:40:19 GMT 2006

Rahul Bhargava wrote:

> Actually, it does work as expected. I had failed to re-start the
> CVSNT service on Windows.  Somehow I expected UNIX like behavior:  If
> an administrative file is checked-in, the administrative database
> gets rebuilt and changes take effect immediately. With CVSNT win
> service, you have to re-start the service to get the changes in
> CVSROOT/ admin file accepted. That is why the Log disablement changes
> weren't taking effect.

That would be news to me. It might be special for the keywords
definitions (haven't tried those myself) but for changes to files like
modules, cvswrappers, cvsignore, etc. you definitely do not have to
restart the service.


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