[cvsnt] Precommand - a valid example to test

kerry richard richard.kerry at siemens.com
Fri Jan 27 16:45:50 GMT 2006

Please could someone post a valid line to put into 'precommand' for me to see it working, in particular something using a batch file.  I've tried a variety of syntaxes that I thought might work but so far nothing does.
for example :
ALL echo "Hello from precommand !"
ALL echo Hello
ALL "C:/windows/system/cmd.exe -c echo Hello"
ALL "E:/Data/CVS/cvsrepo/CVSROOT/default_precommand.bat %c
Noe of these appear to work, in that from Tortoise I get :
Script execution failed
cvs server: Pre-command check failed
Error, CVS operation failed (exit code 1)
What am I doing wrong ?
Basic examples with the commands in the ALL line, and calls from the ALL line to a batch file would both be appreciated.
Richard Kerry
Colledia Control Engineer
Solutions Division - Siemens Business Services
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