[cvsnt] Tool for analyzing network traffic anywhere?

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-cvsnt at yahoo.com.ar
Sat Jul 1 03:52:34 BST 2006

At Friday 30/6/2006 12:59, Michael Wojcik wrote:

> > It is from time to time claimed that CVSNT is slow on network
> > connections and it has been very hard to figure out why. I have on
> > occation also seen strange delays that could be blaimed on networking.
> > For this it would be good to have a tool that is able to analyze the
> > TCP/IP traffic through a particular network connection by application,
> > TCP/IP port, destination address and amount of data sent/received per
> > time increment. Maybe even graping the usage.
> > Then one could see if some extraneous function is blocking the
> > network.
> >
> > So I am looking for a tool like this (and I am not after packet
> > sniffing ones like Ethereal or similar).
>I don't understand the distinction you're drawing - how does Ethereal
>(or Windump, for us Real Programmers who scorn feeble GUIs) not fit your
>requirements?  It's not apparent to me what such a tool would look like
>and not be, in essence, a sniffer.  I suppose under Windows it could
>hook the stack, in the manner of application firewalls and such, but
>that would IMO reduce its utility.

Another one could be TDIMon from SysInternals:

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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