[cvsnt] Re: Missing Default trigger library

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Mon Jul 10 10:43:58 BST 2006

On Mon, 10 Jul 2006 10:20:04 +0100, "Richard Boatfield"
<r.boatfield at SPAMsstl.co.uk> wrote:

>I upgraded our install of CVSNT to 2.5.03 build 2382 over the weekend (which 
>went reasonably successfully), but noticed that we now receive an error 
>message about 'default trigger library' when performing certain operations 
>in WinCVS (such as Check out or Commit).
>Transcript of operations:
>cvs -d :pserver:rboatfield at energia:/isteam login
>Logging in to :pserver:rboatfield at energia:2401:/isteam
>***** CVS exited normally with code 0 *****
>cvs checkout -P Test (in directory G:\Sandbox)
>cvs server: Couldn't open default trigger library: No such file or directory
>cvs server: Updating Test
>cvs server: Updating Test/Test
>***** CVS exited normally with code 0 *****
>The error doesn't appear to affect the operations but I would like to 
>eliminate it.
>When I checked the install I noticed that there was no default_trigger.dll 
>file present in the CVSNT folder or any of the sub-folders.
>When I compared this to a test install of CVSNT (2.5.03 build 2151) I noted 
>that a) there is default_trigger.dll file present in the CVSNT file and b) 
>we don't get the error message.
>How do I go about properly registering the dll so that we no longer receive 
>the error message?
>I've googled the message but haven't found anything particularly useful.
>As an aside I did perform the installation twice as the first time the 
>installer failed to install the protocol dlls for some reason.

Since some builds ago Tony has moved (and renamed) the support dll:s
from the application main directory to subdirectories below it.
These new directories are:
where the client/server protocol dlls live. They have also been
renamed by removing '_protocol' from their names.

Where the trigger dlls now live. These dll files have similarly been
renamed by removing the _trigger part of the name

Here is where the audit function sql files are dropped off. These are
used when creating the audit databases. They might have always lived
here, though.

Contains a few dlls apparently used for the diff function in certain

There is no longer any default_trigger.dll in use by CVSNT so it is
quite normal that it has disappeared.

Now, when moving from one version of CVSNT it is very important to use
the correct installer. You have two options:

1) Download the installer from March Hare if you already before used
that to install the previous version.

2) Download my InnoSetup version of the CVSNT installer if that is
what you used before.

Don't ever mix the two!

If you want to switch between the installer types you have to first
uninstall the CVSNT you have from ControlPanel/AddRemovePrograms.
After this you can use either one of teh installers. Notice that
uninstalling CVSNT is non-destructive to your repository configuration
and data. The uninstall never touches user data so it is quite safe.

I have made provisions for deleting the old files when upgrading to a
version that has the new folder structure, but I don't know if Tony's
installer does that.


(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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