[cvsnt] Re: Can't import binary files with std cvs backend

Chris Allen chrisa at matrixscience.com
Mon Jul 10 17:45:06 BST 2006

Hi guys,

Arthur Barrett wrote:
>> But the OP is discussing how to use cvsnt 
>> cvs.exe as a *client* against a GNU CVS server. 

Yep that's right - in fact we are using CVSNT on Windows because that is 
what comes with TortoiseCVS.  We use GNU CVS on *nix boxen.

> It is always best to run CVSNT against a recent CVSNT server where this
> is in any way remotely under the users "control".  

Fair enough, but right now it's not really an option I can take and also 
there is the rather large issue of repository compatibility (ie. no 
going back) to consider.

> Yes CVSNT client DOES work with CVS (cvshome) servers, and that is a
> design goal that has not changed.  However CVSNT client with a CVS
> server is limited  by the features/bugs of the CVS (cvshome) server.

In this case I'm just trying to do a standard import. :)

> And in this particular case Tony has already pointed out that the
> message is generated at the server and the problem exists there.  The
> users options are to fix the server and/or upgrade to CVSNT 2.5.03.

Sorry but it doesn't seem quite so clear cut to me yet.  As Glen pointed 
out, from my email 2006-05-08 I think the problem occurs because CVSNT 
is passing "Kopt o" (presumably "Kopt b" in this case) instead of "Kopt 
-ko" over the pserver protocol.  I don't know for sure which one is 
really correct (couldn't easily find a spec that explicitly states 
which), so it could be either a server or client issue.  Maybe there is 
also an argument that the server should accept either...

btw, I also forgot to mention that with the recent release if you are 
reimporting a file that is already marked "-kb" the result is that what 
appears to be a diff is stored in the ",v" file which means that when 
someone else goes to update they get a file the fraction of its original 
size containing junk (since GNU CVS doesn't support binary diffs).

> This person in particular has indicated they are running an *UNSTABLE*
> build of CVS (all 1.12 releases are unstable) and so are a prime
> candidate for upgrading to a more recent stable version.

True, although apparently they call it a "feature" release now.  It's 
the version that comes with Debian stable (ah the irony! :) ).

btw, looks like this area of code hasn't changed since 1.12.9 (1.147):


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