[cvsnt] Lock Retry Interval and Retry Count

Tony Hoyle tony.hoyle at march-hare.com
Tue Jul 18 20:17:01 BST 2006

Michael Wojcik wrote:
> But even without that bug, I can see a heavily-loaded server taking long
> enough to get locking timeouts.  We have multiple build machines doing
> parallel builds and committing the results, which often are quite large.

It depends on how you do it.. if you just use something like the shadow file 
(or a script that does similar) and have the build machines running then the 
load on the server really isn't that much.

OTOH things like Cruise Control poll the server and create huge amounts of 
load to achieve the same thing (which is why march hare don't recommend using it).

You could improve performance enormously by having a separate server for 
binary builds if you're committing them that much.. there's really no need for 
them to be connected since most developers will not be that interested in them.

> (Personally, I'm dubious about the wisdom of committing built binaries
> to CVS.  Anything that goes out the door, perhaps, but every automated
> build?  But it's not my decision.)
Yes committing test builds seems wasteful to me.  Committing release builds is 
valid (some even go as far as committing their entire build environment).

For test builds just dumping the binaries in a zip file would be sufficient 
I'd think.


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