[cvsnt] Was: Single-commit on branch

Marcel Stör marcel at frightanic.com
Tue Jul 25 12:37:10 BST 2006

Hi all,

In a recent posting I asked about restricting access to a certain branch.
Gerhard provided me with links to the documentation. Thanks.

Following the docs I expected this to work just fine:
I need to disallow the user "theuser" write-access to branch "mybranch" in
project "myproject". C:\CVS is the root path to the repository.

<command prompt>
C:\CVS\myproject>cvs chacl -a nowrite -r mybranch -R -u theuser .
cvs chacl: in directory .:
cvs [chacl aborted]: CVS directory without administration files present.
 continue until this directory is deleted or renamed.

</command prompt>

What am I missing here?

Marcel Stör
http://www.frightanic.com -> free Sudoku mailing service
Skype: marcelstoer

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