[cvsnt] Changing expansion option does not work in CVSNT

Oliver Koltermann okoltermann_deletethis_ at gmx.de
Thu Jun 1 16:03:01 BST 2006

Hello list,

we have another strange problem concerning merged binary files. A
small bitmap file was committed to the trunk after "add -kb". Then
somehow another developer merged the file to a branch, where it became
the keyword option 'kv'. This was maybe related to the "double merge
problem" we discussed recently.

Now I try to fix the file by following the recommended procedure:

1. I checkout a good copy from HEAD and save it somewhere

2. On the branch I call "cvs update -kb filename"

3. I check with "cvs status" and find:

        Working revision:
        Repository revision:	/repo/path/test.bmp,v
        Expansion option:	kv
        Commit Identifier:	c58446d95020d78
        Sticky Tag:		test-Branch (branch: 1.2.2)
        Sticky Date:		(none)
        Sticky Options:	b
        Merge From:		(none)

4. I replace the file with the good copy

5. I call "cvs commit..." and the file is in text mode again (-kv)!

Short alternative:

4b. After calling a plain "cvs update" the sticky file option changes
    to -kv again

I even tried the old "cvs admin -kb" call, but nothing changes. How
can I change the file expansion mode to -kb again?

Thanks for listening,
O. Koltermann

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