[cvsnt] Re: CVSROOT/module2: how to merge multiple dirs into a common virtual root
Alexander Kriegisch
Alexander.Kriegisch at web.de
Fri Jun 2 22:45:07 BST 2006
Dear Bo,
your message did not help me right away, but provided me with the
right idea to achieve what I wanted. I configured CVSROOT/modules2 as
# Java sources from unified source tree
_src -d src/com/foo/bar /ModuleRoot/src/java/com/foo/bar
# Virtual module with Eclipse project in root and Java sources in src
MyModule /ModuleRoot/src/eclipse/MyModule &_src
The result is:
|- src
| |- com
| | |- foo
| | | |- bar
| | | |- Class_1.java
| | | |- ...
| | | |- Class_n.java
|- Eclipse project file 1
|- Eclipse project file ...
|- Eclipse project file n
The hard part for me was to find out how to get the Eclipse project
stuff into my module's root. It is fairly easy - provided you know how
to do it. I did not, until this afternoon. ;-)
Alexander Kriegisch
> I guess I did not get your structure right then...
> I have had trouble getting a directory from somewhere living below a
> directory from somewhere else when I tried it. At first it kindof
> seems to work but then later on it screws up on updates...
> The only way I have been able to get all these different dirs
> assembled is by creating a parallel structure like this:
> moduletop
> |- dir1 (contains a directory from some/where/else)
> |- dir2 (this is from someother/place)
> |- source (this is my real source dir from projectx/src)
> | |- subdir (a real subdir: projectx/src/subdir)
> |- bin (this is where my compiled binaries go: projectx/bin)
> This structure can be done in CVSROOT modules:
> _mydir1 -d dir1 some/where/else
> _mydir2 -d dir2 someother/place
> _mysource -d source projectx/src
> _mybin -d bin projectx/bin myproject.exe myproject.ini mysupport.dll
> moduletop &_mydir1 &_mydir2 &_mysource &_mybin
> Checking out moduletop will create the structure above.
> The bin folder will only hold the three named files even if there are
> more in the physical repository folder.
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