[cvsnt] Adding Module "Bad CVSROOT"

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Thu Jun 8 22:36:26 BST 2006

On Thu, 8 Jun 2006 16:07:06 -0500, "Greg" <gwadsworth at mehtatech.com>

>The server and client machines are the same physical machine.  If I try to use
>another machine I do not even get the menu item to make a new module or checkout.

I think you need to specify your environment a bit better:
- Which operating system and service pack?
- If XP then state Home or Professional
- Is Windows firewall enabled?
- If so did you add an entry for port 2401 there?
- Go to the install dir of CVSNT and run the program cvsdiag from a
command prompt in that dir. THen copy the contents of the command
window and post it here.

It sure looks like your server is either not started or it is blocked
by a firewall or antivirus.

Another thing:
Since you are using Tortoise on the same PC as the server there is a
problem where the common dll:s might get confused if you installed a
Tortoise version with a different CVSNT version bundled.
I'd try to communicate with the server from a command prompt first:

c:> set CVSROOT=:sspi:myname at myserver:/cvsrpos
c:> cvs ls

This should give you a listing of modules in your repository. If it is
currently empty you will see CVSROOT being listed.

But if you see the same error message then for sure the server is not
running or is blocked.

Is your PC connected to a TCP/IP network when you do these tests?
Because if not then the TCP/IP subsystem is not loaded and this is the
reason for it not working. Then you must either connect it to a
network or install the Microsoft Loopback Adapter, which ensures
TCP/IP stays loaded even if physical network cables are disconnected.


(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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