[cvsnt] perl vs python

Van Quakebeke, Joe Joe.VanQuakebeke at ingenix.com
Wed Jun 28 14:25:06 BST 2006


> > Is there any known problems with using python for the verifymsg and 
> > commitinfo scripts?
> The 3GL interface is generally a lot more "reliable" 
> especially on windows, and means that you can get a server 
> running without the need to install a whole new language.  
> There is also a windows scripting interface for VBScpript etc.

Where do I find the 3GL interface?  

> > cvs commit -f -m "BugID:098765\nComment: some comment" notify
> Why not use:
> cvs commit -f -b 098765 -m "some comment" 

The documentation said that verifymsg and rcsinfo can only be used with
a user defined template.  Since I want to check the bugID against
another database I need the template to ensure I get some thing to check
against.  Can verifymsg read the bugID attribute passed by the -b/-B
options?  If yes, then I think the documentation needs an update. 

This maybe a better question for customer support, but I am not sure
what our support options are so, what are the rules with using the cvsnt
open source server and the winCVS, open source TortoiseCVS, or eclipse
clients?  We have one copy of the suite but never installed it. What are
the support options? Also, can you direct me to where I can find the
support options that go with each version of the product?  The web-site
is not very clear about what options go with each product type.

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