[cvsnt] Re: sserver not working on XP Pro

Jan Giesen jan.giesen at web.de
Sat Mar 4 21:00:06 GMT 2006

>From your description it is not clear, if you use the same CVSNT version on server
and on the client!?
E.g. some recent CVSNT versions like CVSNT had have a SSERVER
problem with elder CVSNT versions.

Since the described error message comes from the OpenSSL library, I recommend also to
if CVSNT is using the OpenSSL DLL, which comes with CVSNT, or if you have on your
a different OpenSSL DLL in your PATH, which is found earlier.

Best regards
                   Jan Giesen

"James Baxendale" <jrpbax at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:mailman.1152.1141451385.17086.cvsnt at cvsnt.org...
> Hi,
>   I have been attempting to get sserver connectivity to a CVSNT server working on a
Windows XP Professional Version 2002, serivce pack 2 machine. I am running CVSNT
2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2151.
>   I can successfully connect using pserver and issue cvs checkout commands as
expected. However whenever I try to use sserver using a CVSROOT of the form
>   :sserver:me at localhost:/MyRepo
>   by issing a command like
>   cvs co blah
>   I get the following exception
> SSL connection failed (-1): error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong
version number
> cvs [checkout aborted]: Connection to server failed
>   I have looked through all the archives and googled this to death but to no avail.
I am attempting to issue this command from a cmd window on the machine which is
hosting the CVSNT repository.
>   Any ideas?
>   Thanks,
>   James
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