[cvsnt] Re: Changing server to Unicode

Clovis Garcia clovis at phoebus.com.br
Mon Mar 13 10:27:49 GMT 2006

On 11/3/2006 19:33, Tony Hoyle wrote:
> Clovis Garcia wrote:
>> Why the problem just occur when copying the old repository? When I´m 
>> using a fresh one, created already at the Unicode CVSNT there´s no 
>> problem at all (just the modules2 that I mentioned before).
> The filename display isn't a property - it's a side effect of the old 
> client that WinCVS uses being unable to understand the server output 
> (Windows has no UTF8 support, it has to be built into the client - Unix 
> can handle it natively so even old cvshome clients can work without 
> changes.. you just set the locale on the command line).   You'll find 
> that if you checkout files you'll get the wrong filenames too.
> Any client made in the last year should work more or less (you'll 
> probably need 2.5.03 for the fully working stuff on things like japanese 
> though).
> Support for legacy windows clients really isn't there at all yet and is 
> something that'll be done before 2.6 goes stable.
> Tony
With the WinCVS I installed the CVSNT 2.5.03 too in my machine. It 
should be using it to perform the commands, isn´t it?

WinCVS is only an interface to make it ease to use the CVS commands, 
isn´t it?

When I need to run commands that are not supported at the WinCVS 
interface, like the rename, I just open the command line dialog and use 
it. By this I presume I´m using the correct client. Look at the output 
of the cvs version command:

cvs version
Client: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2260 
Server: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2260 

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