[cvsnt] invalid path name and Entries file

Joost Runsink runsinkj at geno-tronics_NOSPAM_.com
Mon Mar 20 14:09:27 GMT 2006


Our setup is a Debian linux machine with cvsnt 2.5.02. The clients are 
all XPsp2 with Tortoise.

The repository was in a NT4.0 server before. I copied the repository's 
over to the newly added reps on the linux server.
Chekout and commit is working ok for weeks now.
I was just adding a new module, for the first time on the linux server.

While adding with pserver I get :

In C:\DOCUME~1\runsinkj\LOCALS~1\Temp\TortoiseCVS make new module temp\: 
"C:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "import" "-m" "" "test" 
"tcvs-vendor" "tcvs-release"
CVSROOT=:pserver:root at bacula:2401/sw_vb

No conflicts created by this import

Success, CVS operation completed

In F:\: "C:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "checkout" "-d" "F:" "test"
CVSROOT=:pserver:root at bacula:2401/sw_vb

cvs.exe checkout: Server attempted to update a file via an invalid pathname:
cvs.exe [checkout aborted]: 'F:/'.

Error, CVS operation failed

Error, one of the CVS operations failed.

The directory "test" is created in the sw_vb repository, but it failes 
with the path being wrong. When I do a checkout on the test module  get :

In F:\: "C:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "checkout" "-P" "test"
CVSROOT=:pserver:root at bacula:2401/sw_vb

cvsnt server: Updating test
cvs.exe checkout: in directory .:
cvs.exe checkout: cannot open CVS/Entries for reading: No such file or 

Success, CVS operation completed

What is going wrong ?


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