[cvsnt] Error Running CVSNT over Windows XP Profesional Edition Version 2002 SP2 using a Netbean 5.0 Client

Gabriel Genellina gagenellina at softlab.com.ar
Tue Mar 21 22:45:29 GMT 2006

At Tuesday 21/3/2006 13:59, Wilmer Cisneros wrote:

>I installed my CVSNT on my computer, I created my repository and I am trying
>to get it to work using  :local:C:\CVS  as my CVS root from NetBeans.
>I have my CVSNT service and the Lock Service running but all the time I get
>the "Cannot  accesss pecified repository" Error.
>Is there any other special configuration that must to be done to get it to

Don't use :local:, install CVSNT as server and use :sspi:
Have you initialized the repository using the CVSNT control panel?
Search recent posts about install tips.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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