[cvsnt] Re: Bad upgrade experience to current CVSNT 2.50.3 (2260)

John Peacock jpeacock at rowman.com
Fri Mar 24 20:12:11 GMT 2006

Tony Hoyle wrote:
> John Peacock wrote:
>> I define required as "the program runs with this file present and 
>> doesn't work if the file is absent" which was the experience I had...
> To be more constructive:  What actually failed?  And can you clarify 
> that we are talking about dbghelp.dll (which we use, loaded as part of 
> the exception handle) not dbghlp.dll (which we don't use or have any use 
> for).

Sorry, dbghlp.dll was a typo on my part.

If I rename DbgHelp.dll and run 'cvs --version' I get a requester titled 
"Unable to Locate DLL" with a listing of my path statement.  I get no 
other output whatsoever (which I why I assume that cvs is broken without 
this DLL).

This may only be a problem on NT...


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