[cvsnt] Require Encryption NOT WORKING

Steve Ellenoff sellenoff at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 31 00:24:10 BST 2006

   For quite some time, I've been happily using SSH on a Win XP box
   running CVSNT (2.5 approx) and TortoiseCVS, with WinSSHD ( as the SSH
   Server ). Everything works peachy with the default settings, but the
   other day I decided to select "Require Encryption" in my CVSNT
   options, and now the connection is always rejected by CVSNT saying
   "This connection requires encryption".

   I've verified the connection is made from TCVS via Putty (SSH Client)
   to WinSSHD (SSH Server) successfully, but for some reason, CVSNT
   rejects it.

   Anyone know what's going on here?

   1) Is the connection really not encrypted secure,and all this time I
   thought it was? Anyway to easily verify this?

   2) Is it safe to ignore this error message and assume it's just a bug
   of CVSNT?

   3) What happens when it says "Request Encryption", how does that
   actually work?

   Thanks for any help

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