[cvsnt] Re: Looking up *_protocol.dll

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Fri Mar 31 06:23:03 BST 2006

On Thu, 30 Mar 2006 21:01:19 +0100, Tony Hoyle
<tony.hoyle at march-hare.com> wrote:

>Torsten Martinsen wrote:
>> This means that if you have two different CVSNT versions installed, they 
>> will both attempt to load the same protocol DLL's - this will obviously 
>> fail in one of the cases.
>I don't support having two versions loaded simultaneously.
>> 2) if there are any unwanted side effects to deleting the registry value?
>Yes.  The server will not work.... several operations need this value. 
>Also things like workspace manager rely on it.

Something I don't understand here:
I think that Torsten talked about CVSNT in the *client* role. If that
is so, why is it not possible to have multiple versions of CVSNT on
your PC and select which one to use?
In WinCvs for example there is a configuration entry to tell it
*which* cvs.exe to use and I have used this many times in order to
verify different versions when troubleshooting cvsnt itself. In these
cases I have folders containing all the binaries for various versions
and I point WinCvs to them in to test compatibility.
If it turns out that the client will always use the protocol dll from
the server installation (I always have the server installed on my
workstation) then it will become impossible to test old client
versions against a new server or vice versa.

So basically: Is your answer really about how the *client* works and
should work?
It would be much better if the first choice for protocol dll is the
directory from which the cvs.exe was loaded!

Or maybe I don't understand the discussion....

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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