[cvsnt] check CVS repository integrity

Guelck, Matthias RD-IS-E23 Matthias.Guelck at heidelberg.com
Wed May 17 07:19:09 BST 2006


Yesterday, our CVS File Server got an error on file system level (no CVS error!).
The result was a corrupted source file in our CVS repository that was accidentally recognized while updating the project on a CVS client.
If the error had appeared in a less current project, we possibly would not have noted the error for a long time.

So my question is:

Is there any way to check the integrity of a CVS repository without checking out all projects?

Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
Research & Development
Matthias Gülck
24107 Kiel

Phone: +49-431-386-1608
Fax: +49-431-386-3882
Email: Matthias.Guelck at heidelberg.com

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