[cvsnt] RE: check CVS repository integrity

"Matthias Gülck" Real.Magic at gmx.de
Mon May 22 09:15:25 BST 2006

The problem is NOT to fix a corrupted repository from backup files.
The problem IS to recognize that a repository (or a file within it) IS corrupted.

Because of that fact we would be VERY VERY happy about a possibility, to check the repository integrity (may be every night).
It does not matter how long it takes. Our CVS server is a very strong machine (3,6 GHz Xeon, 2GB RAM, Fiber Channel RAID).

Restoring the files from backup was done within one hour. Restoring the work done between last good backup and recognizing the crash has taken two days now. And we are still not sure if the restore point was 100 per cent well.
Also we have a few older projects within the repository. We do not know anything about their current state. So we must check them out and compile them, to get a minor test. The binary files (animations, pics, …) could not be checked against anything!

You are right: checking in 1000 files with just 1 second of building checksum, would cost more than 16 Minutes. But no one here is editing 1000 files at once. Usually we are committing up to 10 files a time. For that case, I would prefer having a checksum for the files. Then the repository could be checked at night.

> I'm tempted now to implement it just to prove the point.
If you really do this, I would be very happy if I could get this extension.   

Kind regards,



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