[cvsnt] Re: Absolute module reference invalid error

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Tue May 23 14:15:24 BST 2006

On Tue, 23 May 2006 14:11:55 +0200, "Webmaster33"
<webmaster33 at gmail.com> wrote:

>> Server CVS version
>Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.0.51d (client/server)
Arcane to say the least! Why not use a supported recent version?

>> Server operating system
>Windows XP
XP-Pro or XP-Home????
If you have XP-Home then it is unsuited for a CVSNT server...

>> Client CVS version
>v2.0.2.4 (Build 4)
THis is not a CVS version at all. You are probably referring to the
*WinCvs* client GUI front end version. But that is of no use until you
have gotten the basics to work. So again: which cvs version are you
using on the client?

>> Client operating system
>Windows XP
XP-Pro or XP-Home????

>> Client GUI type/version (this looks like a WinCvs dialogue)
>WinCVS v2.0.2.4 (Build 4)
>> Did you test a completely new installation?
>Yes, a completely new installation.

If you wanted to *start* working with CVSNT why in the world did you
choose the CVSNT server as version 2.0.51d???
That is a several years old unsupported and buggy version!

Look here to install the server side decently:

For WinCvs there is a tutorial here that can also be useful:

>> Why did you not specify *WHAT* to check out?

The cvs command foir checkout is this:
cvs -d <cvsroot> checkout module

where cvs is the program itself of course,  <cvsroot> is the
connection string specifying the protocol, server and repository,
checkout is the cvs command you want to execute and module specifies
what to check out.
All of these components are needed. But the -d <cvsroot> part can be
omitted if you have a CVSROOT environment variable set to the value
you want to use.

>I would at least want to start working with CVSNT, but
>I can not even able to import the old RCS repository 
>from CS-RCS application.

I would advice you to *first* get the basic server and client stuff
working *before* you start trying to convert old data into the CVSNT
repository. That way you will know what it is that is causing
problems. Right now it looks like *everything* is no good...
>I did read, that since CS-RCS uses the RCS inside.

Well, RCS is a predecessor to CVS and I do not have any knowledge if
the RCS files used by RCS are the same format as those used by CVS.
Hopefully someone with more knowledge can step in here and enlighten
us all.

>Advices says, RCS and CVS are different mainly in their
>directory structure. So I should copy the repository tree
>simply into the CVSROOT.
Could be true, depending on the contents of the RCS files. You have to
consult RCS documentation for that.

>Then I need to do a checkout according to the advices.

Which checkout advice?


(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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