[cvsnt] Re: Help! Upgrading to CVSNT 2.5.03

Tim Chippington Derrick tim at chippingtonderrick.co.uk
Thu May 25 20:26:37 BST 2006

Cheers, I'll do that and post back success or otherwise.

BTW: I am 110% confident that my repository etc will be fine - I have 
been using CVSNT long enough to really trust it rather a lot - much 
more than I would for other software that costs a lot more money. My 
experience with CVSNT is rock-solid so far.


At 20:07 25/05/2006, you wrote:
>On Thu, 25 May 2006 18:56:15 +0100, Tim Chippington Derrick
><tim at chippingtonderrick.co.uk> wrote:
> >I followed the advice on http://www.cvsnt.org/wiki/Upgrading which
> >suggests just installing over the top of an existing 2.x CVSNT server
> >installation.
>That advice was upgrading from 2.0.X to 2.0.Y and does not hold if you
>upgrade from 2.0.X to 2.5.Y.Z
>You should completely uninstall the CVSNT server that you have
>currently installed. Then reboot the machine.
>Now you are prepared to install or 2260 depending on your
>preferences (2260 is labeled as "stable" whereas 2330 is a version
>that has fixed bugs in 2260...).
>Depending on which installer you choose (the MSI one from March Hare
>or the InnoSetup one from my or Oliver's sites) you have to be aware
>that in the future you have to keep using the same installer flavour
>for later upgrades. Any time you want to switch installer you have to
>uninstall the server you have and then installl using the other
>It's no magic involved, just different install engines, but they are
>incompatible in the install-install-uninstall cycle.
>Not to worry, the repository data are not destroyed by this cycle nor
>are the CVSNT server settings, they are all kept in the Registry and
>are untouched by the install-uninstall-install cycle.
> >I have also read through
> >http://web.telia.com/~u86216177/InstallCVSNT25.html and am still
> >having problems. I have looked back in the CVSNT list and didn't yet
> >find any other clues there either...
>I would say that once you do the uninstall and then follow the install
>guide you will be fine.
>(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)
>cvsnt mailing list
>cvsnt at cvsnt.org

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