[cvsnt] Help! Upgrading to CVSNT 2.5.03

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Sat May 27 04:33:12 BST 2006


> BTW: I am 110% confident that my repository etc will be fine 
> - I have been using CVSNT long enough to really trust it rather 
> a lot - much more than I would for other software that costs a 
> lot more money. 

On behalf of all involved - thanks for the compliment.

> If I use pserver, I get error messages like:
> c:\users\tim>cvs -d :pserver:tim at timlaptop:2401:/main 
> login Logging in to :pserver:tim at timlaptop:2401:/main 
> CVS Password: 
> cvs [login aborted]: Error reading from server timlaptop: 0: 
> No such file or directory

In the CVSNT control panel look at what your temp directory is set to
(or the "system" environment variable TMP/TEMP).  I've seen this happen
before when I put the temp directory under the CVSNT install directory
then uninstall and re-install the temp directory was deleted and
therefore the server could no longer run....

If not there are various logging options (cvs_client_log and server side
log) documented in the faq at march-hare.com/cvspro/faq/



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