[cvsnt] CVSNT Control Panel not working

Luigi D. Sandon cp at sandon.it
Sat May 27 16:09:55 BST 2006

> Let we try to track down, what is causing the problem, so
> you could reproduce the case.

I suggest you to use some utilities like SysInternals FileMon to track down 
the issue. Some time ago I had a similar problem, and find out it was a GNU 
dlls problem, the older one installed by ActiveState TCL came first in the 
registry and did not let the .cpl to load correctly, due to the way control 
panel launches applets (via rundll32) and the search directories algorithm 
used by Windows. The issue was related to my machine setup, especially the 
path, not to CVSNT. Therefore it may not be easy for CVSNT developers to get 
the same error, it may be related to other installed apps.

Luigi D. Sandon

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