[cvsnt] Re: CVSROOT/module2: how to merge multiple dirs into a common virtual root

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Wed May 31 13:24:45 BST 2006

On Wed, 31 May 2006 10:34:41 +0200, Alexander Kriegisch
<Alexander.Kriegisch at web.de> wrote:

>My problem is that I seem to be unable to specify both the
>    src/java/foo/bar/package1
>folder as well as the content of the
>    src/conf/eclipse_projects/project1
>folder to be rooted in the same base directory. I tried several
>approaches to achieve this using CVSROOT/module2, but the best
>I could get was either one of the base folders to be in root
>and the other one in a subdirectory or both in different
>I would be grateful for any hints and configuration samples.

1. Development of the CVSROOT/modules2 file functionality is not
finished. There are still bugs there. AFAIK Tony has postponed working
on this until version 2.6 is done.

2. CVS does not allow files from two or more folders on the server to
reside in the same sandbox folder. So if this is what you are trying
to do then you are out of luck no matter which flavour of modules you

The source of a file is written into the CVS/Repository file and it
holds only one value that has to be valid for the whole directory
above. I.e. all files must come from this repository folder.


(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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