[cvsnt] cvs -d "Cannot access" "No such file or directory"

Richard Wirth richard at wirthware.de
Wed Nov 8 16:48:09 GMT 2006

Hello Carmo,

Wednesday, November 8, 2006, 6:46:15 PM, you wrote:

C>    Help!
C>    WinCVS
C>    CVS Server Linux RHEL3
C>    cvsnt-  (Error)
C>    cvsnt-  (Error)
C>    cvsnt- (OK, but is OLD CVNT must BUG)
C>    Log:
C>    Python 2.4.4 (#71, Oct 18 2006, 08:34:43) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
C>    on win32
C>    cvs -r -d :ssh:carmo at hostlinux:/cvs/myproject/repo1 init

C>    Cannot access /cvs/transporte/tic/iti/CVSROOT

C>    No such file or directory

You try to init a remote repository.
This is not supported by default.
It would be mutch better to do the init on the machine where your
reporsitory is hosted.

 cvsadmin at hostlinux> cvs init <real_path_to_repository>

it is important not to use the alias-name for your repository but the
real path to your repository.

If you do the init as root, the repository whill be added to
/etc/cvsnt/Pserver.conf automaticaly, but the new created repository
will have permissions only for root. So you may want to change this

If you do the cvs init as a regular cvs user, the Pserver.conf will
not be modified (no permissions) but your repository will have
suitable permissions...

Best regards,
 Richard                            mailto:richard at wirthware.de

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