[cvsnt] Checksum failure after patch

Harrison, Andy andy.harrison at anite.com
Tue Nov 14 09:49:13 GMT 2006

Hi Arthur,

Unfortunately I've now got v2.5.03 b2382 installed and am going live
soon, so I can't reproduce the issue anymore. I'll try as give as much
info as I can from memory - hopefully that will be enough to be of some
I initially saw the problem using an rcs file that had been copied over
from an existing v2.0.58d server. Thinking it might be a incompatibility
between rcs files I created a new file and did as follows:
 - Create new file "newtest.txt"
 - I did a few small changes and commits to try to reproduce the
problem. However CVS always did an update rather than a patch so I never
saw the problem. I don't think this is significant, but I mention here
for completeness.
 - Fill newtest.txt with text "really really big file" lots if times
till it's a really really big file.
 - Commit.
 - Create a branch (but leave sandbox as trunk).
 - Add text "little change" somewhere in the file.
 - Commit.
 - Update to branch. CVS attempt to patch newtest.txt, but this fails so
it does an update.
 - Update to trunk. Again CVS attempt to patch newtest.txt, but this
fails so it does an update.

	CVS v2.5.04 b2471
	Win XP Pro ver2002 SP2
	P4 3.2GHz
	70GB available on HDD

	CVS v2.0.41a and then v2.5.0.4 b2471 - error happened with both.

	WinCVS v2.0.3.1 b1.
	Win 2K 5.00.2195 SP4
	P4 1.6GHz
	512KB RAM
	15GB available on HDD

CVSROOT: :sspi:aharrison at pc002147:/development
 - Note SSPI was the only protocol installed on the server

Trace as per previous email is the best I can do I'm afraid.


Andy Harrison - Platform Software Engineer 
Anite Telecoms Ltd. Ancells Business Park, Fleet, Hampshire, GU51 2UZ,
"No matter how bad things seem... 
...nothing could be worse than being used as a towel rail." - A.A. Milne

-----Original Message-----
From: Arthur Barrett [mailto:arthur.barrett at march-hare.com] 
Sent: 13 November 2006 19:28
To: Harrison, Andy; cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Cc: Gerhard Fiedler
Subject: RE: [cvsnt] Checksum failure after patch

Andy / Chuck,

> Is this email chain sufficient for a bug report in
> 2.5.04 b2471 oe should I report it seperately somewhere?

This is the right place - but you haven't supplied the minimum

I did see your trace, but you need server side tracing enabled and to
send a complete trace (email address is in the FAQ) and we definitely
need the results from running cvsdiag on the client and the server.  

For this particular problem obtaining a client and server
commiunications log would be helpful (but can be quite time consuming):

We did not see this problem in testing so I suspect it is only occuring
in a few environments, or perhaps with "older" clients (I believe you
tested with 2.041 and 2.0.58 clients?).

I look forward to receiving the additional information.



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