[cvsnt] newbie asks 2.5.03 upgrade consequences
Bo Berglund
bo.berglund at telia.com
Sun Nov 26 15:39:12 GMT 2006
On Sun, 26 Nov 2006 09:15:54 -0200, Gerhard Fiedler
<lists at connectionbrazil.com> wrote:
>Glen Starrett wrote:
>> Any whitespace-containing path has an equivalent non-spaced path. Using
>> "dir /x" will show the equivalent path -- assuming there isn't something
>> in W2003+ that I don't know of offhand that has removed those features.
>> So, you can use 'cd progra~1' or 'cd "program files"' and it'll do the
>> same thing.
>Not always. "Program Files" is not guaranteed to be "PROGRA~1", it could
>just as well be "PROGRA~2".
>You have to parse the output of something like "dir /x" or use some API
>call like GetShortPathName or FileObject.ShortName of a file object in
>FileSystemObject to find out what the short name associated with any long
>name is.
And the BEST WAY is to make sure that the install path is free of
whitespace! But this is not possible if the installer by itself puts
the executables into a subdirectory of the install dir that is
composed of two words like "CVS Tools". Then we are hosed in any
Honestly, I can't see the purpose of creating directories (or files
for that matter) that are named like this. Is it a contageous disease
from Microsofts "My Documents" and the like?
What is bad with a dir named CVSNT?
We usually do not name variables in C, C++ or Delphi this way, so why
shold we do that when we deploy the apps?
The original discussion started some time ago when I discovered that
using the browse button in the installer to point to my preferred dir
"Programs/CVSNT" caused the installer to put the files into
"Programs/CVSNT/CVSNT" (Arthur fixed that one so in 2382 it works "my
way"). Then Tony misunderstood what I complained about, he though that
I thought it silly to have a subdir named CVSNT if the base dir was
also CVSNT so he named the subdir "CVS Tools". Whitespace!!!.....
My view was that there should be no subdir at all, the installer
should use the browsed to dir and install right there.
Of course if some support files are better lopcated in subdirs by all
means do that but please keep the main executable folder as decided by
the guy making the *custom* installation.
This whole discussion is about the executable called from some
external system and this is invariably only cvs.exe.
All other files can be whereever, just not this one.
Right now the installation is over the top of my ability to track it
so I can no longer propagate the Innosetup Installer (it stopped at
build 2382), so I have to use the "official" MSI files...
And I cannot mimick the WIXInstaller so that I could do it myself
there either. :-(
(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)
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