[cvsnt] Basic CVS question

David Somers dsomers at omz13.com
Thu Nov 30 18:15:51 GMT 2006

Jeff Douglass wrote:

> I must not have made myself clear. My apploigies. 

Ah. Right. I did think your way was a bit weird.

> I have multiple modules 
> in my CVS. Each module is a different embedded system software product and
> I use cvs to manage changes to these modules as usual. All of these
> products are based mostly on the same code base with changes to a small
> subset of files. I still do, however, for each product create a new module
> that contains all the files needed for the build. The results in each
> product/module containin alot of the same files. This is probably not the
> most elegent approach but is what I am doing. My questing is related to
> the how I go about making a new product. Currently I checkout an existing
> module ( all the files), make the required changes to a few of the files,
> and then create and new module for the new product and check in all the
> files to the new module. For example.
> 1) checkout module Product1
> 2) change say 3 out of the 10 files to produce the new product
> 3) create a new module for Product2
> 4) comit all the files into Product2
> So checkout a module for the purpose of creating a new module never
> intending to comit anything back into the original module. I am just
> checking out an existing module to use as the code base for a new module.
> Does this make more sence?

You could use modules2 to alias common code... in each module, you use
CVSROOT/modules2 so that a sub-module  is aliased to a master module that
contains common code... you'll reduce the amount of duplication, but it can
be tricky to get things working that way.

Or do as Glen suggested earlier and use the branching strategy instead.

Or even do a combination of the two.

Basically, play around on a test system and use whichever works and is
comfortable for you.

David Somers

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