[cvsnt] Issue with modules

Mac-Fly mac-fly at gmx.net
Wed Oct 18 16:20:24 BST 2006

Bo Berglund wrote:
> Instead the proper way is to do a *new checkout*
> of the module on top of the sandbox!
This is in fact a solution I can live with, too. I never tried that
(allthough it came to my mind ;-)) because i thought this might screw up
an existing sandbox. Good to know!
In fact this solves another problem I faced: Whenever Person "A" creates
a new folder in the repository person "B" had to do a new checkout and
then sync the new sandbox with pending changes (s)he might have done in
the old sandbox. I can forget about the sync now. That's nice!

Let me sum up: Basically I have gotten 3 solutions to my question in a
very short timeframe (not even half a day). That's an excellent
feedback. Thanks a lot to all that have answered.

With best regards, Morten.

Ps.: These solutions might be worth noting somewhere in a... WiKi... FAQ
or similar?!

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