[cvsnt] search a cvsnt 1.11 version

Jean-Francois Lamy jeanfrancois_lamy at videotron.ca
Thu Oct 26 13:54:27 BST 2006

The two switches (for non-CVS clients, emulate checkout -n and pretend to be 
1.11.2) are needed with the latest stable release of Eclipse (3.2.1). They 
appear to be essential if you want to browse the repository modules or to do 
an "import from CVS", pretty much everything else works fine.

We believe that this is a regression (i.e. it worked fine for a while 
without the switches, then we had to put the switches back on).

Jean-François Lamy
Teximus Technologies, Montreal, Canada.

"Gabriel Genellina" <gagsl-cvsnt at yahoo.com.ar> wrote in message 
news:mailman.74.1161819090.16616.cvsnt at cvsnt.org...
> At Wednesday 25/10/2006 19:43, yannick lafoucriere wrote:
>>We cannot see version of our project in WSAD since we have upgraded cvsnt 
>>version 2.5.
> There is no need to move to nongnu CVS - and it's not trivial anyway.
> Recent versions of Eclipse/WSAD should work fine with CVSNT. For older 
> versions, from the CVSNT control panel, go to the compatibility tab and 
> check the "emulate cvs 1.12" and "emulate update -n bug" (or something 
> like that).
> See http://march-hare.com/cvspro/faq/faq10.asp#3c or google for "cvsnt cvs 
> wsad"
> -- 
> Gabriel Genellina
> Softlab SRL
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