[cvsnt] multi-line msg on command line

Randy McCharles RandyMcCharles at smarttech.com
Thu Sep 14 23:30:51 BST 2006

Using TortoiseCVS commit of a new comment I can see the \n between lines and it shows up fine in history and other lookups as multiline. 
But when I try admin -m from the command line using \n I get them as regular characters. 
I also cut and pasted the example in your email and had the same problem. 
I just tried a multiline commit from command line and also had the same problem. I even cut and pasted the successful command from TortoiseCVS, modified the file name, and committed another file. Same problem.
Not sure why the behavior is different. 
BTW My command line cvs.exe is the same one TortoiseCVS uses.

Randy McCharles

SMART Technologies Inc.

Senior Software Developer

Tel. 403.802.3347  Fax 403.229.2531
randymccharles at smarttech.com

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-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org]On Behalf
Of Bo Berglund
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 4:03 PM
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: Re: [cvsnt] multi-line msg on command line

On Thu, 14 Sep 2006 15:51:29 -0600, "Randy McCharles"
<RandyMcCharles at smarttech.com> wrote:

>>>I've looked through various documentation and searched the web, but can't seem to find a reference to this subject.
>>>When doing a
>>>   cvs admin -m"log message" file
>>>is there a way to insert a multi line comment?
>>>cvs commit invokes and editor to enter multiple lines, but admin doesn't seem to.
>>>We use cvs admin -m to correct check-in comments.
>>Use the \n escape:
>> cvs admin -m"log message\nwith multiple lines\ embedded" file
>>Actually according to the docs it should be:
>>  cvs admin -mRev:"log message" file
>>in this case:
>>  cvs admin -m1.15:"log message\nwith multiple lines\ embedded" file

>I did try \n and the sequence was treated as part of the message.
>i.e. the log reads:  line1\nline2\nline3
>Also -mRev is only required if you are not using the currently checked out revision. -m by itself will use the checked out revision.

Strange, I did a test via WinCvs and looked at the command line it

cvs admin "-m1.26:Testing group file handling\nNow adding extra line
to message\nAnd another" -- AAAFile.txt (in directory
RCS file: /KORVkiosk/ModuleXX/AAAFile.txt,v

After this the log message is multiline...


(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)
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